d r a w i n g s
d r a w i n g s
d r a w i n g s
project 2
The future of our cities will ultimately depend on the way we choose to shape our cities today. Their fate will be about how we as citizens live our lives, show respect towards all life on Earth and contribute to solutions that create a better world. They include a host of solutions from engaging in urban experiments and asking local authorities to enhance sustainability action to urban gardening and switching to bicycles. Each of those choices matters and together they make a large impact if each of us embraces responsibility for the cities we inhabit. In this assignment, we will be conversant and expected to illustrate and transform concepts and ideas of the future sustainable city, the word sustainability has come into such common usage that it sometimes seems ubiquitous.
final outcomes
reflective writing
learning outcome
From this project, I have learned the way to illustrate proposal of concepts, principles and practices of a sustainable city to be applied in the future convival living environment.
Taylor's graduate capabilities