d r a w i n g s
d r a w i n g s
d r a w i n g s
project 1b
We are supposed to find their positions to develop the Klang Neighborhood Centre for Wellbeing. We are to individually interpret the idea of ‘Neighborhood Centre for Wellbeing’ and come up with architectural design strategy for the same. This will be in-reflection to the issues and inspirations we found in the Project 1a in order to offer to character, continuity and enclose, quality of public realm, ease of movement, legibility, adaptability and diversity in the city. Architecture is about geometry. Exploration on form-typologies such as linear, perimeter and diffused in terms of layering, subtraction, over-lapping etc is compulsory at this stage
final outcomes
narrative proposal
learning outcome
From this project, I have learned the way to tackle the urban issue and develop design strategies.
Taylor's graduate capabilities