d r a w i n g s
d r a w i n g s
d r a w i n g s
project 2a
Professional Development Week (PDW) is a week-long event dedicated to industry players offering workshops customized to meet the programme’s needs and featuring Top Employers in architectural practice, which aims to enhance students’ employability. PDW puts the students in touch with expertise from employers, professional bodies, the Careers and Employability Service and academics. The aim is to help students become even more employable in a competitive graduate jobs market.
Following the PDW students are required to write a reflective essay based on the points provided in this document especially on their experience and knowledge gained from the activities conducted.
final outcomes
learning outcome
From this project, I have be more aware of what I do, how I do it, why I do it, and able to identify useful problem-solving strategies. I have recognize my own strengths and weaknesses with regard to my understanding of content knowledge, procedures and practical skill development and application