d r a w i n g s
d r a w i n g s
d r a w i n g s
project 3
In our final project in studio II, We are required to design a Weekend Retreat at Kuala Selangor Nature Park. A weekend Retreat denotes 'a place where one escapes for relaxation, recreation and vacation for a short period of time.' This Weekend Retreat must function as habitable architectural spaces to enable the activity associated with living, dining, showering, cooking, storage and such within the built up space of maximum 100 sqm.
The Weekend Retreat must correspond to the immediate site context and demonstrate design intentions through the application of architectural principles, materiality and constructability in creating a memorable spatial experience for the user.
To keep us away from daily stress and Interact with nature
Different Materials
Camouflaging and Standing Out
Open and Closed Space
Private and Open
site selection & site data
design response vignette
design progress
precedent studies
Implication: Extend the structure for different function and get more experience with nature
Implication: Stacking design with different orientation to maximise the view
presentation board
presentation slides
final model
learning outcome
From this project, I have learnt how to interpret and analyse simple site context, user's characters and needs in relation to the design of a small structure. I also get more knowledge on designing a simple building type that meets user requirements and respect site context that balances both internal (architectural spaces/layout/circulation) and external (aesthetics and forms) design values.
Taylor's graduate capabilities