d r a w i n g s
d r a w i n g s
d r a w i n g s
f i n a l m o d e l
design intention
While people are passing through this structure, they would dance unintentionally when they are trying to touch and avoid from crashing to the walls.
W H Y C U R V E ?
Dancers turn, bend, kick to create graceful, powerful movement. They are not only moving on a straight line. Work as a dancer is not that easy as people are always stereotyping dance can only become an interest. They always train hard, work hard and keep their passionate to ensure they could be shine on their stages anytime. They will also facing low tide, struggle and stand up at the end.
W H Y T R I A N G L E S ?
Triangle is formed by three straight lines. Instead of showing contrast with the curve, I chose this shape to represent the difficulties, troubles, problems that always faced by the dancers and they need to solve it.
Main materials used in this structure would be concrete and glass. Concrete would give people a feeling of calm and cool. When people walk in, they could enjoy the peaceful atmosphere and calm down. Just like a dancer, they need a chill environment and be cool-headed when they are creating their own choreography, their creation.
Glass has high transparency, people could look out to the exterior, they won't be depressed when they walk into an enclosed space. Light could penetrate into the structure and illuminate the space.
Triangular glasses are placed in front of the entrance. This intro could guide people to get in the structure so they won't "bump" into it. Glasses could be sealed into the ground with setting blocks.
Walls are made by concrete, glass and frosted glass. Different materials controlling light penetrate into the structure. Walls are slightly curve and they could made by cast in situ concrete.
light and shadow
Light and shadow would be the supporting element in this structure. Top could also cover the structure and control the light enter the structure. I was using light and shadow to create pattern during daytime. People could found the special pattern on the floor when they are passing through it.