d r a w i n g s
d r a w i n g s
d r a w i n g s
project 3
In Project 3, we have to "deconstruct" our bamboo tectonic structure that we made in project 2, identify a dominant element & principle and re-explore the relationship between banal action and design. Other than that, we should further explore what did we learn in previous 2 projects and combine with 5 senses and spatial experiences to interpret with our new design.
f i n a l m o d e l
For my final model, I remain dancing as the banal action and highlighted the shape and contrast as the dominant element and principle. Different size of triangles are arrange in different angle along the curve pathway and this showed the contrast. Many rigid triangles forms a curve pathway.
learning outcome
From this project, I have know that different space could give different feelings and experiences to the individual. Different material used in the structure will also give different effects in people's senses. I found that I could improve more in my design to make the journey all along the structure become more smoother and make the relationship between design and function become greater.
Taylor's graduate capabilities