d r a w i n g s
d r a w i n g s
d r a w i n g s
m a t e r i a l s a n d s t r u c t u r e
Bamboo is one of the fastest growing plants on the planet. A member of the grass family, bamboo is known for tall hollow stems that reach their full height in just one growing season. Over the next few years the fully grown bamboo stem continues to harden and mature. Bamboo is highly sustainable and can be harvested approximately every four to six years.
Characteristics of bamboo make it good for musical instruments. Bamboo has been used for everyday objects for over 4000 years. In China, which has relatively few hardwood forests, bamboo has traditionally been used to make everyday items including dishes, musical instruments, chopsticks, and even houses and small huts. Because of the durability of bamboo we have examples of these items that are thousands of years old.
Bamboo is still used to make dishes chopsticks, furniture and musical instruments. In addition, it is frequently made into paper, fishing rods, cutting boards, and even filters for water desalination. It can be used for bamboo flooring, decking, decorative paneling and siding. Because of the natural characteristics of bamboo houses that are built with it are both earthquake and cyclone resistant.
tensile fabric
WHAT IS tensile fabric structure?
Tensile (or tension) fabric structure. A structure that is characterised by a tensioning of the membrane system (typically with wire or cable) to provide the critical structural support to the structure. It can hold many forms, although it is generally base on two basic building blocks. The Saddle and The Cone. This creates dramatic and structural architectural works, offering a wide variety of free form design and roof structures. The tensioning of the fabric eliminates any creases in the fabric and creates the strength for the material to withstand any severe weather and potential damage.
when to use tensile fabric structure?
Tensile fabric structures can be used in a variety of situations. They use less material than traditional structures and as a result, they are flexible and can be specifically tailored to meet your requirements and provide shade or shelter. In addition to the required practicality elements, tensile fabric structures are a showpiece feature that offer an impressive focal points.
what fabric are used?
PVC coated polyester fabric
PTFE coated glass fabric (permanent structures only)
ETFE foils (permanent structures only)
PVC glass fabrics