d r a w i n g s
d r a w i n g s
d r a w i n g s
i d e a e x p l o r a t i o n & t e s t m o d e l s
After our first group meeting, we decided to explore on different banal actions which are SITTING, SWINGING and HUMMING. 15 of us are separated into 3 sub groups to explode the assigned banal action and design a structure for each banal action.
After first exploration, we did improve and create another design for each banal action. We decided to abandon humming as the banal action as we found that it is hard to create a space that allow humming to happen using bamboo because of the bamboos have different diameter and there will be a space between bamboo when we place them together.
We changed our banal action to WALKING and DANCING then we try another fews more test models. You might feel confused that dancing should not be a banal action. We could define dancing as walking gracefully and it is a combination of different way of walking.
We incorporate the ideas and design into our FINAL model. We made the fans by making many triangles and those fans become the exterior design. Those fans are supported by a triangular skeleton at first but we changed it to four-sided due to anthropometrics issue. Pyramidal bases are used to stabilise the structure.